Post Bankruptcy Living in Scottsdale, Arizona
What happens after your bankruptcy is final and all of your debts are discharged? Most people in Scottsdale, AZ who have had their bankruptcy discharged are concerned their life will be in tatters and they will never be able to obtain a loan again. This is just one of the many bankruptcy myths that abounds and it is quite false. In actual fact, after your bankruptcy is final, you are debt free and ready for a “fresh start”, (with the exception of those debts which are exempt from bankruptcy, such as taxes and student loans). Being free from debt provides great relief to most individuals who have gone through the process. As with all painful situations we experience in life, ideally we come out of them with a new understanding and point of view.
Life after bankruptcy can be a joy and a fresh start if you approach it with the lessons learned. Our Scottsdale bankruptcy attorneys will not only help you through the steps of bankruptcy but can set you on the correct course after your bankruptcy. You have shown that you are willing to take steps to make a better life for you and your family by filing for bankruptcy to achieve a fresh start. You have taken that all important first step to taking back control of your financial life. Continuing to work, earning income, following an established budget closely, paying your bills on time, and maintaining a bank account are the next steps toward rebuilding your credit and restoring your financial freedom.
Our Scottsdale bankruptcy law firm will provide you with information on how to get your life back on track after filing for bankruptcy. There are many things you can do to start building back your credit. One of the easiest things to do is to obtain a secured credit card and limiting its use to what can be paid off monthly, will do a great deal over time towards building back a credit score. It is important to remember that you are in control and that exercising control over your finances is the key to financial stability. It is important to live within your means after filing bankruptcy as you aren’t going to be awarded another chance. Your recent bankruptcy filing was your “fresh start”. Make the most of being debt free! Take better care of your finances so you don’t end up back in a situation similar to your prior situation.
The following is a list of several things you can do to rebuild your credit after filing for bankruptcy in Arizona:
- Pay your bills on time!
- Open a new bank account, make regular deposits
- Apply for a new debit card from your new bank account and use it responsibly
- Make wise choices when seeking credit, avoid high interest
- Paying all bills in a timely manner
- Avoid Payday Loans
- Live within your means!
Scottsdale Bankruptcy Attorneys
Our Scottsdale bankruptcy attorneys have spent years helping individuals, families, and businesses achieve a fresh start after enduring stress and anxiety from mounting bills, threatening creditors, and a hopeless-looking future has given our Scottsdale bankruptcy law firm the perspective needed to provide you with the understanding and reliable legal counsel you need.
Our Scottsdale bankruptcy law firm offers evening and weekend appointments. We have payment plans for every budget and we offer a free initial bankruptcy consultation and debt evaluation for all our potential clients. While you may find a few challenges after filing chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy, there are some adjustments necessary from how you have been operating in life. With the help of our Scottsdale bankruptcy lawyers you will hopefully find tremendous relief and a hopeful outlook on the future of you and your family.
Find out more about “life after bankruptcy” and “getting your life back on track” today by contacting a bankruptcy lawyer in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our experienced bankruptcy attorneys and legal staff will assist you in getting a “Fresh Start”. Contact us at (480) 833-8000 today.
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